Sunday 18 February 2018

Follow Me On Instagram


Jan said...

I've been looking all over your web site and blog this morning after discovering you via the Myth and Moor blog of Teri Windling. I absolutely adore your beautiful work! Am jumping over to Amazon from here to preorder your book, then will go to Instagram to follow you there. I've just subscribed to your blog too, so I can follow you here. Best of luck to you in your work. Hope you get that Wind in the willows book published. It would be wonderful to see your interpretation.

jenclair said...

Such beautiful work! I'm now a follower on Instagram and a subscriber to your blog.

rossichka said...

Hello! Me too, I discovered you via Terri Windling's blog today. Your illustrations are so beautiful, I love every single detail in them and the fairytale atmosphere! Good luck in everything! I'm going to subscriфe to your blog.:)

Chris Dunn said...

Thank you Jan, jenclair and rossichka! I must check out Terri Windling's blog post and thank her for sharing my work. I'm glad you enjoy what I do :)

Cathy aka Luvswool said...

Like Jan said...via Terri Windling.
Your illustrations are totally awesome!

Francoise Andersen said...

I love your illustrations. I'm very fond of animals and true stories about the wild animals who pass by our garden in the south of Danmark. J publish them on my blog
yours sincerally
Francoise Andersen, french old lady married with a dane.