Tuesday 24 May 2011

'Cracked Matador'

 18.5" x 23.5"

I finally finished my Bull in a China shop painting, or as I like to call it 'Cracked Matador,' yesterday. As always it looks a bit washed out when uploaded to blogger but at least you can see the detail better.

Overall I'm quite pleased with the final outcome. It closely resembles what I had in mind from the beginning which surely can only be a good thing, I just have to start coming up with better ideas and compositions now that my skills with a brush have increased.

Hope you like it!


Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Norman Rockwell has always been one of my favorite artist's and illustrators.. I have to say that your work is as detailed. I am in awe of all the work that went into the china alone.. I love the composition. I am drawn to work that also has a bit of humor, which I find here.
(Don't mess with the bull)
Exquisite workmanship Chris. Looking forward to the next piece of art.

Chris Dunn said...

A Rockwell book should be on everybody's book shelve! Hope you like my new post.

ina said...

I totally agree with Penny. High quality!!

Rosemary said...

Hi Chris
I saw your painting today at the Bankside Gallery and I thought it was brilliant! A witty idea, beautifully executed..good luck in everything you do.

Chris Dunn said...

Many thanks Rosemary :-)